Pet Neutering

Neutering Dogs

Whether and when to neuter is one of the most important decisions owners make in determining their dog’s health. We take plenty of time to discuss the pros and cons of neutering both sexes, at puppy vaccinations and at our free Adolescent Check at 6 months old.

Most female dogs benefit from neutering. Serious womb infections and mammary cancer, both of which require major surgery, are common in female dogs that have not been spayed. Managing female dogs through their twice yearly “season” and the false pregnancy that follows can be very disruptive. Unwanted mating and pregnancies can result in dogs needing risky “morning after” injections and puppies needing homes.

Male dogs usually fit better into family life if they have been castrated, with less unwanted sexual activity, aggression and wandering. Castration also helps reduce the risk of prostate infections and certain forms of cancer.


In general we recommend that female dogs are spayed and male dogs are castrated. However given the variety of advice for particular breeds we recommend discussing the appropriate age to neuter your dog with your vet. Culverden Vets offer a free adolescent appointment to discuss what is appropriate for you and you pet.

We also recommend ensuring you are covered for lungworm treatment to prevent bleeding which could cause complications with the surgery. Please discuss this with one of the vets.


Neutering Cats

Cats have special medical and behavioural needs, and neutering has significant benefits beyond the obvious one of avoiding pregnancy.

Female cats are more at risk of certain types of cancer and womb infections if they are not spayed. Male cats are much more likely to spray urine indoors, fight and go wandering if they are not castrated, as well as being at risk of infectious disease such as FIV (“Feline AIDS”). Both sexes get on better with other cats if the stress of sexual behaviour is removed.

We recommend that all cats are neutered, with the ideal time being between 4 and 5 months old.

We understand the worry that your cat having a procedure might cause and our vets and nurses are happy to talk through the benefits and risks of neutering. In both sexes the procedure involves spending only part of a day in the practice and there is normally a very rapid return to normal behaviour!

If you have any questions or wish to discuss your Dog or Cat please do not hesitate to contact us.